Thursday, December 11, 2008

Slacking on the Ole' Blogger

Gah, I can't seem to remember to blog. When I do remember, I am all wrapped up in my blankets and would rather be beat with a stick than get up and type.

It's been a pretty eventful week. Saturday, Alabama lost the first game of the season....we did make it to a bowl game.. WOO HOO! It was a sad and slow night at work that night. I thought I was going to cry......I DON'T EVEN LIKE FOOTBALL! WTF is up with me?

Sunday, I was in a blah mood....I did manage to take the kiddos to their Granny's house and get some shopping done.

Monday, my daughter TURNED 11 YEARS OLD! OMG, talk about one depressing day. I felt old, ugly, and beat down. I was seriously wanting to schedule a makeover and see if that helped.
I still can't believe I am getting old.....though, I **DO** feel it.
All my daughter wanted for her birthday was a razor. Yep, you read that right....a razor! She got to shave her legs, go shopping with all of her Birthday money, wear a little makeup (very little) and go to her favorite place to eat, Kobe (Japanese Steakhouse)
Uggggg....I really dread this *mom of a preteen* thing that we have going on.

Tuesday, I had the day off.......Loved every minute of this day.....I went shopping for Christmas.....still not finished.

Wednesday, I didn't get much sleep.....the weather was awful the night before. I woke up to what appeared as an major electrical problem. Turns out the lightening hit the ground fault wiring and it just needed to be reset. Whew...I was really stressing over this....this stuff scares the hell out of me.

Thursday, I woke up to no power....another terrible weather night....gosh, we got some rain.
I took a candle light bath and make it to work with a semi wet head at 715am......I was really proud of myself.
We waited on snow......a rare thing in Alabama. Well, actually we're still waiting...I don't believe we'll see any at this point.

So much for my eventful week.......I promise promise promise to get some pics up.

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Friday......WOO HOO! This is my first weekend off in quite awhile. I am going to finish my shopping up.

1 comment:

jenney said...

Hey girl! I hope you're enjoying your work-free weekend. =)

Happy (belated) Birthday to J!!!