Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Whew! What a year 2008 was.....Here are a few of my favorite photos that are sure to put a smile on my face. I know there are a lot of holidays that I didn't place on here. I get my greatest joy out of the simple days of life. The ones where fun just pops up unexpected.
I am blessed to have 2 healthy kiddos, a hard working husband, a beautiful home, and awesome extended family. I know this year was an awful in the economics department.....My prayers are with those affected by this. I hope that 2009 will bring peace, love, and happiness to everyone.
God Bless this country as well welcome a new president into the White House. I am for sure hoping that the economy is a top priority.

Below, The kids playing in the mud with friends.

Below, Back yard BBQ with friends. Notice my son was the only boy and he's hiding behind the tree. LOL

Below, My daughters Archery Team. They placed 5th in the State of Alabama. Not too shabby for the teams first year.

Below, My hubby helped build this for his brother. He was gone for awhile during the summer.

Below, Our new addition to the family. *Gawd, I hate this dog* We don't get along too well. This is hubbys dog.

Below, We got snow......look at this wonderful snowman created by my daughter. We don't get snow here so everyone was excited.

Me and the Hubs......we made it 14 years together. I am really hoping for a more peaceful year than we had in 08.



Glenda T. said...

Hi Angela, happy new year to you and your family as well! I loved all your pics, especially your son hiding behind all the girls, too cute! Also, love that dog,how cute is he????

Anonymous said...

happy New Year! Luv your pix
