Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday News

I got the day off....had to show my hinney a little bit at work. I had to explain that I do have a family and that I wouldn't put them ahead of my family again. We'll see how that goes....I really hope that things work out at work.

Hubby took the kids hunting was the first day of gun season for KIDS ONLY. Next weekend the adults gun season opens.......My daughter hates son loves it. They didn't get a deer but they did get to see another 12 year old kill his first big buck. The boy lucked up on this hunt....his first time ever....was in the stand for 5 minutes and set the record for the biggest buck ever killed in this hunting club. WAY TO GO ROBERT!
Needless to say, this kid thinks that hunting is EASY......well, I think he'll be bored with the sport after what happened to him today.

My daughter and I went shopping this afternoon while the boys went hunting again. Jess is a huge Taylor Swift fan......she got her new CD......she's had her money saved and ready to purchase this CD since the release date on the 11th....I haven't had the time to go get it for her.
It's really a good CD.
Got some new scrapbooking stuff.....can't wait to put some pictures with these papers.

I was hoping that a Kit that I ordered would be in the mail today....didn't come! BUMMER! I am so waiting on this.

I've been playing with the new camera....Love it! I wish I had the camera before our trip. Oh well, I will book another cruise just so I can take some great pictures....HAHA *joke*

Alabama is playing tonight...lets hope that they win....traffic was horrible today in town......Gotta love ballgame traffic.

Have a great weekend!


Glenda T. said...

We aren't hunters but my son (he's almost 19) has always wanted to hunt. I wish I would have known someone who did hunt so he could have gone for the experience. Looking forward to seeing the pics of the big kill! (gee, that sure makes me sound like a maniac eh??) haha

jenney said...

Hey girly! I'm a bit behind on checking blogs but wanted to say hey. =)