Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's a New Week

WOW! I can't believe it's almost time for Thanksgiving....then CHRISTMAS! It seems like we just had these 2 holidays. I wished they flew by like this when I was a child.

I am not sure what our plans are for Thanksgiving this year. We lost my father-in-law 2 months ago, so the holidays will be hard for us. We were all really close since we once lived next door to each other for years.

On a positive note, I do plan to put the tree up once we eat on Thanksgiving. This is our second Christmas in our home. I want it to look more fabulous than last year. I didn't have the time or energy to do much in the way of decorating last year. We had just adopted a teenage mom and her baby, on top of our 2 kids...all of our time went into was difficult to adjust. I think we can swing it this time if we get a game plan.

I worked most of the weekend and have to work 730am-730pm for the next 3 days........I did manage to get some scrapping in today. I ordered a kit and got it all put together with pictures. I am so proud of this little album. It is way outside of my comfort zone and would have never created something like this without the kit. I will try to post it sometime this week.

I hope everyone has a fabulous week and a Happy Thanksgiving if I don't post before then.....Everyone can find something to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Jenney said...

Whoa!!! There's a lot of info in this post! You finished your house??? You adopted a teenager and her baby??? Wow, girl, you've been busy!! Seriously, shoot me an e-mail when you get a chance and CATCH ME UP!! How do you like your house???