Sunday, September 27, 2009


We went to the game yesterday and had a blast. Even in the pouring down rain at kickoff......thank Gawd for ponchos. We went with my dearest most mature friend that I have, REBA! She's a hoot to hang with! We all went on our cruise together and had a BLAST!

Anywho, the pigs got slaughtered yesterday! Alabama 35 - Arkansas 7 All that was left of the pigs were a few chitlings. LOL

Got to see every play and every to hear the elephant squeal MANYYY times.

Getting home was a NIGHTMARE! Football is a second religion in Tuscaloosa.

A good day spent with the girls and my hubby......I haven't seen him much lately so it was nice to hang with the old man for 2 days. HEHE! We'll that has come and gone....back to reality. No husband, kids, school, and long days at work.

Here's a pic of us girls......We were soaking wet so excuse the horrible picture at the concession and smoking area.

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