Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cut me a break

Well, the last few weeks have been very eventful around my house. I have been sickly with my kidneys (stones once again) and my son had a horrid bicycle wreck. (See pic of my poor baby) He's doing well a week later!!!!!!

They found out in the CT that he has Eagles Syndrome. Don't ask me what this is because I honestly don't know. I will get this seen about once I get myself straightened out.

In my CT scan for my kidneys, I have TONS of stones in both kidneys.

I went to a specialist today and I have kidney disease and will need surgery and radiation.

I am waiting for all of that to be set up and then maybe we can get back on track around here.

Kidney disease isn't a joke.....I have suffered from stones since I was 27. The past year has been the worst. I can thank my father for this.....this is where I got it from. It's almost like he's punishing me for finding my siblings. LOL I hope that this works and that they can prevent them in the future (highly doubtful) ......we'll see. I have changed my doctors to Birmingham.....so far so good and I think Brookwood Hospital is about the best around. I guess in light of the bad news, I have found the best care available.

We're really not a sickly family........we're just getting hit with everything at once right now.

So much for scrapping.....my blog has turned into a diary instead of what I wanted it to be.

I will however get it back to what I intended it to be.

Think good thoughts.....I am scared to death that I am going to hurt like hell or not wake up.
My kids are all I can think about right now.

1 comment:

jenney said...

When it rains it pours, huh? I'm sorry you're going through all this. For what it's worth, I had both my babies at Brookwood and loved it there!!!

Let me know if you need anything!