Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Busy Days Ahead

I'm been sick off and on for 6 weeks now. I have this cold that I can't shake....its turned into pneumonia now. Hopefully, the meds will kick in because too much is planned for the days ahead. I'm feeling somewhat better today but I don't sound much better.....the bark is worse than the bite. LOL

I have 3 more days to work then I'm going to be off for a just don't know how excited I am about that. I have worked some serious hours the last few weeks.

Saturday, my son turns 9.....I just can't believe that he's going to be HALF GROWN. I'm having a hard time watching my kids grow up. Life is flying by which means I am getting OLD.
We've planned on doing something for him....not sure what.

Sunday, I am leaving to go meet my sister and her children. I am anxious about meeting her. I don't remember her....... I know she used to care for me when I was a baby. I'm hoping we can build some fond memories together in the years to come. 2 days to connect and then I must head home.

Wednesday, my daughter graduates 5th grade....I'm nearly depressed over this. Her last year in Elementary school and then she's going to be thrown to the lions. The junior high has grades 6-12 in it..........Totally scary! I get to deal with *older* boys and all the other stuff a teenager gets into. Not looking forward to this new transition. I think it's going to be worse for ME, dear ole' MOM.

School is out Wednesday and I am welcoming that. I'm a night owl and I hate mornings......I look forward to sleeping in when I can.

That is about all I can think of.....going to catch a nap before work tonight.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

***Lots of pics in the days to come***

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