Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's Day......Spring is in the air

I really love this time of year. The nights are still cool and the days are starting to warm up without being too hot.

Now that I've been home for 1 week now, I've become very bored. I really need a job to keep me going. I feel motivated when I have to be accountable to a schedule. I'm about to go stir crazy. I am a procrastinator and schedules really work well for me.
Maybe something will open up pretty soon. If not, then I will become the next "Desperate Housewife". LOL

I have a ton of pictures to post.....I will get those up tomorrow while the kids are at school.

Hope you're wearing GREEN . If you forgot then I hope you didn't get pinched too hard! LOL

Have a great day!

1 comment:

jenney said...

Just don't go murdering anybody or having affairs with your yard boy and you'll be ok. =)