Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rawkin' Weekend

My weekend was Rawkin!!!!!!! I needed this weekend and need a lot more like them.

Friday night I went to a Scrap Etc. in Birmingham. We made a 7 gypsies Carousel.....OMG, those teachers are amazing......We got there at 6 for the class and we ended up leaving around 1245am. My butt was flat as a pancake.

Long drive back to T-town.......thank gawd for caffeine!
Here is a kit that I ordered from Back Porch Memories....One word to describe it: AMAZING!

The kit has so much Scrapping Goodness in's almost too pretty to use. LOL
Well worth the money for the loads of yummy in it.

Here are a few pics:

I will post my carousel that I made once I get all of the holes punched. Some of the cards are too large for the sleeves.

Have a great Sunday!

1 comment:

jenney said...

What a great kit!! Glad you had fun at SE!