Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Whew! What a year 2008 was.....Here are a few of my favorite photos that are sure to put a smile on my face. I know there are a lot of holidays that I didn't place on here. I get my greatest joy out of the simple days of life. The ones where fun just pops up unexpected.
I am blessed to have 2 healthy kiddos, a hard working husband, a beautiful home, and awesome extended family. I know this year was an awful in the economics department.....My prayers are with those affected by this. I hope that 2009 will bring peace, love, and happiness to everyone.
God Bless this country as well welcome a new president into the White House. I am for sure hoping that the economy is a top priority.

Below, The kids playing in the mud with friends.

Below, Back yard BBQ with friends. Notice my son was the only boy and he's hiding behind the tree. LOL

Below, My daughters Archery Team. They placed 5th in the State of Alabama. Not too shabby for the teams first year.

Below, My hubby helped build this for his brother. He was gone for awhile during the summer.

Below, Our new addition to the family. *Gawd, I hate this dog* We don't get along too well. This is hubbys dog.

Below, We got snow......look at this wonderful snowman created by my daughter. We don't get snow here so everyone was excited.

Me and the Hubs......we made it 14 years together. I am really hoping for a more peaceful year than we had in 08.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Merry Christmas Indeed!

Our Christmas was beyond belief. The kids were so excited and said, "this is my best Christmas ever".....those are the words that a mom and dad want to hear. Aside from it being about Jesus's birthday.....seeing the smiling faces of the kids, melted my heart. It reminds me why I wanted kids. Sometimes I feel sad that I brought 2 kids into this cruel world. Christmas morning reminds me why I must try to raise them with love and kindness, teach them between right and wrong, and rear them for adulthood, when they must enter this world without me holding their hand. I thank Jesus for being born and for my family. Most of all Christmas reminds me to LOVE people.

Here are a few pictures of Christmas.....My son throwing darts on his dartboard.
My daughter staring at money like she's never had a dollar. LOL

This is the most precious picture to Sept my father in law died.....we saw him everyday....yet, when he died, I couldn't find any pictures of him and the kids together. I promised myself that this wouldn't happen again. Here are my kids with their Great Grandmother Christmas Day 2008. I took several.....I hope that they never forget this lady....she is amazing, strong, and a tad stubborn. I guess those are the traits that you need to live to the age of 89. She is like a mother to me. I talk to her daily and take her where ever her heart desires. She's outlived her husband and kids. We are the only family she has left. My kids love her so much.

I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas.....may you have many more and grow fond memories with each passing year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas From Me To You

Merry Christmas

I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Enjoy your family and friends......embrace the smiles on your loved ones faces. Wishing everyone a season of Love, Peace, Joy, and Happiness!

God's Blessings to all!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Finished Shopping!

I had the weekend off....can't believe that I didn't get called in since no one was scheduled to work. I was a very happy chick! Friday night my son had strep throat. Hubby took him to the doctor and then the weekend was great.
Saturday, he felt wayyyy better. I got up and shopped all day....yep, 10 hours worth. Uninterrupted and with no kids or about HEAVEN! I did manage to get something for everyone on my list and now I am officially done. THANK HEAVENS! I don't think I've even been so tired. Santa goodies are tucked away. All presents are wrapped and under the tree. It doesn't look like they're getting much goodies from the fat man but what they wanted was expensive stuff in my book.

Tuesday, is our Anniversary. I can't believe I've been with the same man for 14 years. This is really blowing my mind. I don't know how we've done it. This past year has been the roughest. We plan on going out to eat tonight when I get off of work. Tomorrow night he will be working and so will I.

I hope everyone has a great Monday.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Slacking on the Ole' Blogger

Gah, I can't seem to remember to blog. When I do remember, I am all wrapped up in my blankets and would rather be beat with a stick than get up and type.

It's been a pretty eventful week. Saturday, Alabama lost the first game of the season....we did make it to a bowl game.. WOO HOO! It was a sad and slow night at work that night. I thought I was going to cry......I DON'T EVEN LIKE FOOTBALL! WTF is up with me?

Sunday, I was in a blah mood....I did manage to take the kiddos to their Granny's house and get some shopping done.

Monday, my daughter TURNED 11 YEARS OLD! OMG, talk about one depressing day. I felt old, ugly, and beat down. I was seriously wanting to schedule a makeover and see if that helped.
I still can't believe I am getting old.....though, I **DO** feel it.
All my daughter wanted for her birthday was a razor. Yep, you read that right....a razor! She got to shave her legs, go shopping with all of her Birthday money, wear a little makeup (very little) and go to her favorite place to eat, Kobe (Japanese Steakhouse)
Uggggg....I really dread this *mom of a preteen* thing that we have going on.

Tuesday, I had the day off.......Loved every minute of this day.....I went shopping for Christmas.....still not finished.

Wednesday, I didn't get much sleep.....the weather was awful the night before. I woke up to what appeared as an major electrical problem. Turns out the lightening hit the ground fault wiring and it just needed to be reset. Whew...I was really stressing over this....this stuff scares the hell out of me.

Thursday, I woke up to no power....another terrible weather night....gosh, we got some rain.
I took a candle light bath and make it to work with a semi wet head at 715am......I was really proud of myself.
We waited on snow......a rare thing in Alabama. Well, actually we're still waiting...I don't believe we'll see any at this point.

So much for my eventful week.......I promise promise promise to get some pics up.

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Friday......WOO HOO! This is my first weekend off in quite awhile. I am going to finish my shopping up.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Ok....this is a quick post. I slept in half of the morning....well, ok it was the whole morning. I went to bed at 8 last night and got up at dinner time today. All of these hours at work are getting to me.

Today is the SEC Championship game: AL vs. FL
Yes, I know that FL is favored but us AL fans can't turn our back on AL......Afterall, we are UNDEFEATED! ROLLLL TIDEEEE ROLLLLLL! We'll see if we can do it!

I still haven't posted any layouts but It's hard to scrap and/or post from work.
I also have some Christmas pictures ready to post. I put up our golly whopper Christmas tree all by myself.....I promise to get those up before the weekend is over.

Monday my oldest baby turns 11....oh for the love of a preteen. I had to buy a bra back during the summer. I am just so NOT ready for this.....I still feel too young. Oh hell, who am I kidding....I feel old as dirt from the prehistoric ages.
I am going to shop tomorrow for her and for Christmas.....I am finally off for a whole day. to work. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Getting in the spirit, job opportunity, Free scrapbook session, Christmas

What can I say other than I love Christmas. I love what it stands for and I love seeing smiling faces in my house. This past weekend we put up the trees....YES TREES......we put up the huge tree in the living room and put a tree up in our dining room....then 2 small trees on the front porch.....then my son set up his 4 ft John Deere tree in his room.

I was also able to scrap numerous things this past week. I must really be on something because I haven't stopped and worked 12 hours each day. LOL Not really on something....I just have some goals right now.

I have a great job...well, used to have a great job now it's more like hell. I have a business opportunity knocking right now. I am so praying that this is the answer to my prayers and not some decoy to throw more forks in the road to success. I have a meeting at 330 tomorrow....we will see if this is the answer to my prayers....good thoughts are appreciated and I will post once I get the low down. SCARY DECISIONS SCARY DECISIONS Did I say, SCARY???????

On a scrapbooking note.......Valerie Salmon and Janna Wilson are hosting a free....yes....FREEEEEEE Got Sketch Mini session. Check it out at:
Looks to be inspiring....I really enjoyed the GS102 class.

Hope you have a great week.